2007年3月25日 星期日

Summary of Stay-at-Home Dads

One morning Suzamme set in a diner reading newspaper. A woman seemed to watch her ,but she only watch her reflection from the windows. The other side, a woman who is soaking wet came in diner and she tired to dry her skirt. The server is a man. After Suzamme finished her coffee she went hitching bus .the newspaper is about a actor who died and horoscope.

Summary of Stay-at-Home Dads
Neil Walkingshaw went to care his newborn child. He need time leave of absence to take care his some just his wife maternity leave. At beginning his boss refuse but finally he won the lawsuit. The event awared that father is an important role in a family. Research also found a lot of advantages when children have his father staying with them in their childhood. Finally,there will more and more men who like Neil Walkingshaw in the future.
