2007年4月8日 星期日

About growing up

In the world, everyone has to learn undepending. When I read the story "The missing peace and the big,O" two years ago, the story touched me. Maybe we always find a cmoplete image of us,but we forget that we are all faults. We depend on everything which could make us good, and forget to do efforts by ourselves. If one day they are disappear, we will find that we can't do anything by ourselves. At that time, we start to find anwsers and comeplete them. We are grow up really.~~~~~~~The reflection of "The missing peace and big.O"

2007年3月25日 星期日

Summary of Stay-at-Home Dads

One morning Suzamme set in a diner reading newspaper. A woman seemed to watch her ,but she only watch her reflection from the windows. The other side, a woman who is soaking wet came in diner and she tired to dry her skirt. The server is a man. After Suzamme finished her coffee she went hitching bus .the newspaper is about a actor who died and horoscope.

Summary of Stay-at-Home Dads
Neil Walkingshaw went to care his newborn child. He need time leave of absence to take care his some just his wife maternity leave. At beginning his boss refuse but finally he won the lawsuit. The event awared that father is an important role in a family. Research also found a lot of advantages when children have his father staying with them in their childhood. Finally,there will more and more men who like Neil Walkingshaw in the future.

2007年3月20日 星期二

My Favorite Song

My favorite song is "why". The singer is Avril Lavigne who is a pop music singer in American. I have to talk you why I love this song so much. The song touch me because Avril Lavigne sings it emotively. I can feel the emotion of the lyric by Avril Lavigne. When the chorus, it use "I need you" three times. It is about a girl missing her boyfriend,but they have broken up. They hurt each other very much before. Maybe I can't talk deeply in English,but music is universal. It doesn't need any language. When it touchs my mind,I think it is a good song. The song "Why" is just my intuition,so maybe it's not my favorite song. The most important is that music in no words.

2007年3月13日 星期二

About me

I am a fleshman in CSMU,but I am 21 years old. I am not a medical student,because I major in English. You may say"What? CSMU have English department?" Yes,it's only found 4 years. Why I talk about it? Because many people asked me the question.
I hope that I will learn a lot in CSMU. Not only English but also Japanese. But the most importment,I can make friends in four years.
"Happy is first" it's my motto. I don't have ambitions or desire,so I just want a ordinary life. I spend much time with my family. I feel happy when my family are happy. I like to talk to others because I can hear some special things or learn something I never feel. My personality is shy so my nick name is"shy boy". This is my first time writing blog,it's a special experence. See you next time!!